Meet Jenny and discover your careers strengths

Great to meet so many of you at Welcome events and drop ins.

Each month we will introduce some of the careers team to you. Some of you may have met Jenny as part of the Routes to Professions or Inspired @ programmes in years 12 and 13. “I work as a Careers Consultant in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, as well as supporting careers activities such as identifying your strengths and Impact Challenge. Why not join me at the next Strengths session on Thursday 9th November 12-1pm in G30 Aston Webb? You can find out more at this video” 

You can find Jenny on LinkedIn and don't forget to get your strengths profile to bring to the Strengths session. 

Next month, we will introduce more of our team to you. Want to get in touch? Drop us an email at Keep your eyes out for news on the P2C Canvas course which you will have access to.


Professional Services