My summer abroad experience

Hong Kong skyline at night

This summer, Birmingham Scholar Muna Khalif took part in one of Common Purpose's summer internship programmes in Hong Kong. Here are Muna's insights about her fully funded summer abroad experience, and you can find out more information about University of Birmingham's study abroad opportunities below. 

Finding myself. 

"The transition from adolescence to adulthood is, without a doubt, one of the most challenging phases of life. You're faced with the daunting task of figuring out who you are, what you want to do with your life, and how to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality. It's a journey that can often feel like stumbling through a maze blindfolded. But then, I stumbled upon an incredible opportunity that would not only help me find my people but also rediscover myself - the Common Purpose program.

In my second year of university, I found myself struggling with a sense of disconnection from my future. I felt like an imposter, someone who was merely going through the motions of life without a clear sense of purpose. It was during this period of uncertainty that I decided to apply for the Common Purpose program.

My reasons were clear: I wanted to embark on a journey of professional development, gain confidence, and immerse myself in a new culture. Little did I know that this decision would lead to an adventure that would change the course of my life."

Embracing Life in Hong Kong.

"When you embark on a journey to a new place, it's not just about discovering the tourist attractions and cultural landmarks. It's also about understanding the unspoken rules and social norms that shape the daily lives of locals. Looking back, I can't help but smile at some of the early blunders I made, but these missteps taught me valuable lessons about the local way of life.
The support of locals left a lasting impression. Hong Kong residents are incredibly helpful and friendly. Despite language barriers, we managed to communicate, share laughs, and forge connections. One day, while we were lost, a local guided us back to the MTR station, treating us to a tour of his favourite places along the way. In embracing the unwritten rules and social norms of Hong Kong, I not only became a more considerate traveller but also found a deeper connection to the city and its people. It's a reminder that when you respect the customs and ways of life in a foreign place, you're not just a visitor – you become a part of the community."

My Internship.

"I spent 3-Weeks at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and working remotely allowed me to explore the city while still focusing on my project. My mentor, Louisa, was not only supportive but also took the time to ensure that we ate well and explored the history and culture of Hong Kong. The most exciting aspect of my internship was our project to modernise the SPCA library located at the Tsing Yi Centre.

We aimed to increase foot traffic and engage with the communities in the New Territories. Our presentation was centred around implementing Feng Shui principles for the library's interior and introducing QR codes for efficiency, and gamification. It became a passion project, and I was grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the organization."


"As my journey in Hong Kong came to a close, friendship became one of the most significant aspects of my experience. We shared meals, late-night talks, and laughter, we explored the city together which made every moment unforgettable. Despite being far from home, I found a sense of belonging and never felt alone. My experience in Hong Kong was not just about the incredible sights, sounds, and tastes of the city; it was also about the friendships and shared moments that made this journey unforgettable. It taught me the value of connecting with others, experiencing new cultures, and finding a sense of home away from home. In the end, Hong Kong's history and heritage are more than a tourist attraction; it is full of living stories that shape the vibrant culture of this remarkable city. My journey of discovery has left me with a deep appreciation for the traditions, spirituality, and community that make Hong Kong a place like no other."


Study abroad information. 

Semester/Year Abroad deadline: 30 November

Summer 2024 opportunities:

  • Full offering for students from across the University to be finalised by mid-November. You can express your interest in a summer opportunity using this link, and receive more information once our offering is confirmed:
  • For more course-specific opportunities, please speak to your School/College
  • Opportunities exclusively for Birmingham Scholars will also be available.
  • Summer 2024 Fair: first week of teaching in January
  • Application deadline: 2 February
  • For any queries about summer opportunities, please email


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