Take part: Amazon vouchers up for grabs
Give us your opinion on Race Equality at UoB. You can take part in one of two ways:
1) Focus Groups - receive a £15 Amazon Voucher!
We want to hear from students on the following topics: Accommodation / Campus Experience, PGR Student Experience, Commuter Students Experience, Culture & Faith Experience, International Student Experience, Teaching & Learning Experience, and Sports inclusion.
Please sign up for focus groups here: https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00gwsl58s900jbe99cu9o9
Each focus group will be approximately one hour long, and through active participation you will receive a £15 Amazon voucher.
2) Take the online survey
We want to understand your experience of race equality on campus and in your studies so that we can identify barriers and make improvements.
You could win one of 100 Amazon vouchers worth £10 each.
Complete the Race Equality Charter survey.