International Day of People with Disabilities Announcement
Today is International Day of People with Disabilities and the Student EDI team are delighted to announce the launch of two new resources to advance disability inclusion at University of Birmingham.
Firstly, our Student EDI intranet pages have had a refresh and now include a dedicated section to accessibility at UoB. Here you can find accessible campus maps and apps, advice on reasonable adjustments and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans, details about UoB's accessible facilities and how to report accessibility issues, as well as information about the latest developments in campus access and 'Access to Inclusion: Reflections on University of Birmingham's accessibility journey;' a video presentation by Estates Accessibility Officer, Hilary Tansley.
And there's more. To celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities, we have also launched a new Canvas module for the Student EDI canvas course which explores why accessibility is relevant to all students: Models of Disability, Ableism, and top disability inclusivity tips, it's all there. The course has been co-designed by disabled staff and students and draws on a wealth of disability studies research. So, sign up to up your inclusivity game.
And finally, don't forget our staff news. Earlier this month we once again signed up to the Business Disability Forum, which provides all members of UoB staff access to a wealth of services, including advice and toolkits on best practice on disability inclusion for colleagues, students and visitors. Simply register for your knowledge-hub log in using your UoB email address to access all these great materials.
If you have any questions about any of these announcements, don't hesitate to email us at