Revision tips

You'll likely be familiar with the standard advice for revising: be organised, use the materials you already have, create a plan.

Here are some more specific tips that might be useful for you:  

  • Study in short bursts. There is a famous technique called the Pomodoro method, in which you study in a series of 25 minute intervals with five minute breaks in between.
  • Try the 'interleaving' technique: mix the topics and modules you revise. This can help you to make links between topics, cross-pollinate ideas, and to think flexibly too.
  • Create your own practice questions out of seminar or textbook materials. You can also try asking an AI tool to provide you with some questions to practice with, as suggested in the 'Using GenAI for Study' Canvas course.
  • Engage with the topic in different ways to help your brain take notice of the different information:
    • turn your notes into mind maps to help you explore and challenge ideas further.
    • create flowcharts to help break the information down into logical steps.
    • create post-it notes and stick them up in different places around your home.
    • Create flashcards and test yourself.
    • For very specific lists of information, create a song or mnemonic help.
    • Try and teach yourself or others the information, then review your explanation, looking out for any gaps.
  • See the Revision strategies video (Panopto)


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