The University provides important guidance to help you understand what plagiarism is, why it is unacceptable, and the penalties that can be incurred if you submit plagiarised work.
The library also provides guidance on how to reference correctly and how to use referencing software.
This information is additional to that which you may receive from your University department.
Information for students
The following sources are particularly useful:
- Referencing Guide: A guide to facilitate good academic practice. This provides practical guidance on how to reference using the different conventions, as well as links to useful referencing software.
- Cite Them Right Online. Subscription resource from Macmillan International: login (top right) as University of Birmingham. Source of extensive information on referencing, with tutorials and style information as well as many specific examples.
- Academic Skills Gateway: Develop good academic practice and a wide range of underlying academic skills. The Academic Skills Gateway covers a host of online resources which covers learning strategies, writing, reading, revision, exam technique and more.
- Student Conduct Office: Guidance about what plagiarism is, and how plagiarism is dealt with. Students need to understand their responsibilities regarding the submission of assessed work and the underpinning ‘Learning Agreement’.
Information for staff
The Student Conduct Office provides information and resources for staff about plagiarism.
- The University's Code of Practice on Plagiarism and plagiarism regulations.
- Standard templates for Plagiarism Offices in Colleges, Schools and Departments.
- Help for highlighting the University's guidance for students.