Where to find open access materials

There are many options for finding quality, open access materials which can be used for study and research purposes.

New resources are continually emerging, so if you find any not mentioned here that you would like to share with your colleagues, please email us with the details.

Open access journals

All the OA journals listed offer rigorous and rapid peer review. Some journals are sufficiently established to have impact factors from ISI.

You can search for individual titles using FindIt@Bham

Open access databases and repositories

List of links to open access databases and repositories, covering many different subject areas.

Open access books

There are more and more books becoming available as free electronic books using, often, the same models as for open access journals.

There are other titles via FindIt@Bham. If you know of any other eBooks which are not listed please let us know.

Other open access resources

List of useful resources to help you find open access materials

Contact us

Email: Scholarly Communications Services



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