Open Access


New UKRI policy for monographs and chapters


The new UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) open access policy for monographs and book chapters applies from 1 January 2024. Find out more:

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Deposit to Pure

Ensure your research profile remains up to date. Use Pure to self-archive your author accepted manuscript in the University repository (UBIRA).

Meet University, funder and REF requirements with self-archiving.

Deposit to Pure

 APC Request Form

Apply for central funding to pay publisher article processing charges.

APC request form

 REF and open access

Research England requires all published articles and proceedings submitted to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) to be open access.

 UoB Research Publications Statement

The University has released a statement for Research Publications. This is to increase the visibility of research publications associated with the University and to ensure compliance with funder and REF requirements for OA. As part of this statement:

  • All University of Birmingham researchers are expected to record bibliographic details in Pure for peer-reviewed publications, immediately on acceptance for publication. This applies to all types of research publication including articles, conference papers, reviews, books and chapters.
  • In addition, all researchers are expected to deposit in Pure the full text of the final accepted draft manuscript (post-print) of all peer-reviewed journal articles and published conference proceedings, immediately on acceptance. Deposited manuscripts will, where possible, be made open access in UBIRA.
  • The University requirement applies to all peer-reviewed publications accepted for publication from 1 May 2015 onwards. Researchers are welcome to deposit items published earlier than this, other publication types or unpublished material.

More information on the UoB Research Publications statement.

 Open Access to Research

Students completing Postgraduate Research programmes at the University of Birmingham are required to submit an electronic copy of their final thesis to the University.

Information for thesis authors and steps to deposit

Thesis support in the Library


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