
Wiley has an open access publishing agreement with the University of Birmingham. It allows UoB affiliated corresponding authors (subject to eligibility criteria listed below) to publish open access at no additional cost in both fully OA and hybrid titles that offer a Gold OA option.

This deal has a cap on the number of articles that can be covered nationally through this agreement. We will update this page if this impacts on UoB authors use of the deal.

Eligibility criteria

  • This agreement covers research articles accepted on or after 1 January 2022.
  • The agreement is only available for the following article types:
    • primary research
    • review articles
  • The article's 'responsible corresponding author' must be affiliated to the University of Birmingham, and ensure their @bham.ac.uk email address is used on submission to the journal.
  • Any additional page, colour or other charges will not be covered through this agreement or the open access budget.

Next steps

If you meet the eligibility criteria for this agreement, you can submit to the journal. On acceptance, remember to create a record in Pure and link to any funding acknowledged on the paper.

If you are uncertain whether you are eligible for this agreement, please complete an APC request form.


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