Choosing between the IAPDR module and the Beacon Scheme

Although you will find that the Introduction to Academic Practice for Doctoral Researchers (IAPDR) and category D1 of the Beacon Scheme have things in common, and both lead to Associate Fellowship of Advance HE (AFHEA)*, [**what is the asterisk for?**]there are some key differences in entry requirements, format, learning experience, and assessment.

What are they?

IAPDR is a credit-bearing academic module, whereas Beacon is a written submission.

Outcome if successful

IAPDR results in 20 credits at Master's level and AFHEA, whereas Beacon results in AFHEA only.

Entry conditions


  • Regular teaching in the same semester as the module, a minimum of two hours a week.
  • Limited spaces: priority is given to those wth more teaching hours and are nearer the end of their PhD

Beacon Scheme

None, but you will need past teaching experience to reflect on. Teaching and/or supporting learning activity in the past year will need to be evidenced in the application.

Typical participant


Participants must be experienced PGTAs and actively and independently teaching at UoB (all formats/ teaching-related activities).


Anyone who has recent (very limited) experience of teaching at the University of Birmingham. More experienced teachers can apply for category D2/D3 of the scheme.

Time requirement

IAPDR requires 200 hours, whereas it depends with Beacon. It has been reported to take two to three days.



  • One orientation workshop (three hours face to face in your group with up to 15 others)
  • Four ILT workshops (total 12 hours online)
  • Four to five continuous professional development sessions about teaching of your choice (up to 10 hours)
  • One Learning theories workshop (three hours online)
  • One Assignment writing workshop (three hours online)
  • Two face-to face sessions (six hours total) in which you do a mini-teaching session and give feedback
  • Identifying and working with a mentor in your department
  • A formative assignment to prepare for the summative one
  • Independently researching and writing your summative assignment

An observation of your teaching which you arrange in your department.


  • One orientation and one writing workshop, online
  • Working independently on your submission with a mentor, who is assigned

Assessment method


A 4,000 word researched piece of work at master’s level: case study and literature review about a specific pedagogical change you implement and evaluate during the module, plus an account of your continuous professional development; and evidence of having been observed.


‘Portfolio’: a reflective, literature-informed, 1,700 word narrative looking back on your practice, and an authentication of practice statement from a more experienced colleague in your department.

Timing of assessment


Module runs over about 20 weeks, summative assessment deadline is at the end of the module, with accreditation received after the academic year ends.


Three submission points per year, accreditation received four to six weeks later.

Sources of learning


Learning from peers and educational community, and from doing research.


Learning from reflection on completed work.

Other information

Advance HE has identified the roles and experience people that may want accreditation in the ‘Associate Fellowship’ category typically have, which would be either through Beacon or IAPDR:

  • an early career researcher with some teaching responsibilities, e.g. PhD students, GTAs, contract researchers/post-doctoral researchers etc.
  • new to teaching, including those with part-time academic responsibilities
  • a member of staff who supports academic provision, e.g. learning technologists, learning developers and learning resource or library staff
  • a member of staff who undertakes the role of demonstrator or technician with some teaching-related responsibilities
  • an experienced staff member working in a relevant professional area who may be new to teaching and/or supporting learning. 


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