Learning outcomes and assessment

Assessment requirements

  1. Formative assignment (500-1000 words) – a proposal for your end of module summative assignment
  2. Summative assignment (4000 words), consisting of:
    • A critical discussion of a key pedagogic concept or theory that has informed your approach to teaching, learning and/or assessment, e.g. in the form of a literature review for the case study
    • A reflective case study about an aspect of your teaching or assessment practice, evaluating it and discussing changes you made with reference to relevant literature, and incorporating evidence in the form of student and peer feedback
    • A critical reflection on 4-5 professional development activities (CPD) and a plan for further development
  3. Authentication of practice:
    1. via a lesson observation (form template provided on module Canvas page). You need to submit your completed observation form as part of your summative assignment as an appendix,
    2. via a statement (form template provided on Canvas page which needs to be signed and returned to you). A senior colleague reads your completed summative assignment draft and writes an additional statement about your practice in response and addition to it.


As well as course contact time and the time you teach, you need to spend time on independent study to prepare for workshops and assignments. It is a 20-credit module so you should plan to spend 200 hours on it in total. This is of course challenging while you are doing your PhD.

We do know that some participants have managed to do successfully it in less than 150 hours, by adding 50-100 hours of independent study to the course time, which is estimated to be 40 hours (four ILT Canvas courses (12 hours), another six to eight hours spread over two Canvas workshops, nine hours of face-to-face workshops (orientation and micro-teaching sessions), one hour of tutorials, five CPD sessions of your choice (estimated at 10 hours). However, don't underestimate the commitment on top of your PhD, teaching, and other commitments.


Professional Services