Let's talk student mental health
Suicide is the biggest killer of men and women under 35 in the UK. What can we do to address this?
#BatonOfHopeUK is designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative the country has ever seen, opening conversations, and prompting action.
The specially devised baton will tour towns and cities for two weeks in Summer 2023, raising the profile of this issue like never before. Together we can reduce the stigma, and get better at asking questions, listening, and directing people to the right help.
On Monday 3 July from 15:30-16:15, the Baton of Hope is coming to the University of Birmingham. An event will be headed by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Adam Tickell, and we encourage all our students to join to not only support an important cause, but to also learn and hopefully save lives.
The event will start outside the Teaching and Learning building before the baton is carried into the lecture theatre by the Vice-Chancellor to hear from speakers. We hope to see you there.
To find out more about the Baton of Hope project and get informed, please look at their website.
If you have been personally affected by the topics discussed, there is always someone available to talk to via our support service UB Heard, available online and on the phone, 24 hours, seven days a week all year round.