PTES and PRES – last chance to have your say
Since March, both the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) have been open for eligible UoB postgraduates to share their honest feedback about their chosen course or research programme and overall University experience.
If you’ve been invited to complete one of these surveys and haven’t yet done so, then you have until Monday 15 May to have your say.
There’s still time to tell us what you like about your course/programme and what can be improved. Your honest feedback will make a real difference to current and future postgraduates.
These surveys can take between 10-15 minutes to fill out, and all responses are completely confidential so you can be open and honest. If you’re unsure about what type of postgraduate you are, find out on our ‘What is a PGR and PGT’ page on the Student Intranet.
Your voice is important to us so thank you to everyone who has taken the time out to complete a survey – we really appreciate it!