Blog: Advice from a final year student

Written by Hannah Dodd 

With moving out, graduation, and the end of my university days looming, I’ve naturally been reflecting on my time as a final year student. 


Final year is often characterised by the chaos of deadlines, balanced with final social events and job hunting. After experiencing all this, I want to share five things I wish someone had told me before I headed into my final year at UoB.  

Start my dissertation earlier 

During your final year, most students will take on a dissertation, research project or extended essay. This is a large and important piece of work. My advice for everyone will always be to start early!  


When I started my dissertation, I thought I had left more than enough time to complete everything. However, as life and other commitments end up getting in the way, it becomes difficult to stick with your original writing plan. This is why I recommend setting personal deadlines throughout the year for each of your dissertation’s sections, to keep on track and stay ahead. 

Explore different study methods  

Your final exams are some of your most important. They are additionally more difficult when you’re balancing the other pressures of final year. This is why you should practice and trial different study methods early in the year, to find the right method for you before exams roll around.  

Knowing what works best for you can be a bit of trial and error. But the earlier you start, the earlier you begin to feel more confident. 

Remind myself that securing a grad job takes time  

Securing a job for when you graduate is by far one of the most difficult and tedious tasks when you’re a final year student. My advice would be to remember that this process takes time, and when it’s the right job for you, you’ll get it.  

Job rejections can be hurtful when you have put so much time and effort into an application, but I assure you it’s totally normal, and we’ve all been there.  

If you need advice with work experience, your CV, or job interview practice, Careers Network have a brilliant team and resources on hand to support you through your job search. 

Discover new areas of Birmingham  

Once you’ve found your favourite spots within the city, it’s very easy to find yourself frequently visiting the same places. However, Birmingham has so many hidden gems, and I wish I’d explored these areas a bit more.


Brum’s restaurants and cafés are a good place to start. Check out fellow Student Content Shaper Fatema’s blog on four new places where you can try out some delicious food in Birmingham. 

Take more time for myself and self-care  

From this blog, you’ve probably gathered that final year is hectic. Amongst balancing your work and social life, the most important thing to prioritise is yourself. My advice would be to free up more evenings for yourself to practice some self-care habits.


You deserve to relax and rejuvenate, and your mind and body will benefit from this massively. Check out fellow Student Content Shaper Lucy’s blog to see how she practices self-care after a long day at university for inspiration.  

I hope you’ve enjoyed my final year musings.  

I’d like to leave you with one final piece of extra advice; enjoy it! Final year has been one of the most amazing and fulfilling years of my life, so don’t forget to step back once in a while and take it all in. 


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