Blog: New York Pride through my lens

Written by Alice Tilley

Pride is an explosion of emotions—joy, pride, defiance, and love and last summer I was lucky enough to visit the event in New York. Huge crowds flocked to Manhattan to take part in the celebration.

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I aimed to candidly capture the authentic buzz, emotion and vitality of the street parade performers and the crowd through my photos. I wanted to capture the core values of pride – acceptance, equality, unity and celebrate the work and power of the LGBTQ+ community, and the importance of educating about the history and rights.

Through my camera lens, I witnessed tearful embraces, exuberant dances, and powerful expressions of identity. Each photograph aimed to be a testament to the courage and resilience of individuals and the collective strength of the LGBTQ+ community.

Pride started in New York City as a 15-block, one-day march. On 28 June 1970, crowds gathered to demonstrate equal rights and commemorate the 1969 Stonewall demonstrations, which ignited pride rights as police raided gay bars in Manhattan and were violent towards LGBTQ+ members. Nowadays, pride has transformed into a month-long celebration, featuring a series of events throughout the city in June and even extending beyond. It felt deeply significant and striking to celebrate pride at its very roots in New York, which blends historical significance with contemporary culture.

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Pride traditions were adapted from the “Reminder Day Pickets”, where, in 1965, thirty-nine individuals gathered outside Independence Hall to picket for homosexual rights. They were held annually between 1965 and 1969, on the 4 July in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This event was one of the earliest organised homosexual rights demonstrations in the United States and sought to remind the public that basic rights of citizenship were being denied to queer individuals.

Pride is a celebration of individuality and creativity. The costumes, floats, and performances were a photographer’s dream. I was particularly fascinated by the intricate designs and the sheer artistry on display. Each outfit was a true statement, a piece of art. In capturing Pride, I found that the true essence of this celebration lies not just in the grand parades and dazzling costumes, but in the everyday acts of courage and kindness that define the LGBTQ+ community. Here’s to many more Prides!

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