UoB students shine in debating competition

Postgraduate students, Emmanuel Emole and Glanis Changachirere represented UoB at the Intra-University Africa Debates and battled it out against the London School of Economics (LSE). The debate embraced various Russell group universities and centred around whether Africa should align itself with the South, or the West.  

Intra UNI

Preparing for the debate and its impact 

Speaking about the value of competing in the debate, second-year International Development PhD student, Glanis who is originally from Zimbabwe, discussed how valuable it was to contribute to a topic already commonly discussed in Africa and in line with her thesis on authoritarian systems. As the event was around the same timeline as African Freedom Day, which celebrates the foundation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), it offered ‘A space for African students, academics, and friends of Africa to converge, connect, debate and be empowered’. 

Nigerian student Emmanuel, who is studying for an MSc in Development Policy and Politics, discussed how the event had an impact on his personal development. Both students admitted to being ‘introverts’ and Emmanuel particularly noted his reluctance to speak in front of a large group of people. However, as he took to the stage to debate a topic that he and Glanis had researched intensely and therefore showing their academic prowess, the nerves seemed to shed. In fact, Emmanuel ‘shone’ so much that he was given the courage to speak for a second time and conclude the debate! As a scholarship-funded student on the Mo Ibrahim programme, this opportunity allowed Emmanuel to recognise his accomplishments and the importance of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. After being celebrated by his community, Emmanuel is eager to push himself even more and try new things. 

Both students spoke about the level of research they did as a team which enabled them to extend their passion for the topic and ‘understand Africa deeper’. Having never worked together (or even met) before, Emmanuel and Glanis have clearly formed a deep bond as international students in the same department and with an African background who can relate on similar issues and experiences, but also as academics who plan to publish their findings in a collaborative written piece. In Emmanuel’s words, they came together ‘and created magic’ and will ‘continue to shine’. We couldn’t agree more! 

Looking ahead to the final 

The final will be held on Friday 21 June where UoB will face Queen Mary University London (QMUL) debating the same topic. Reflecting on how they’re feeling about the final, both expressed how excited they are, particularly as they know what to expect now and are confident to impress once again and take the crown. Although the win in the first round was impressive enough and reaffirmed the talents of both students, Emmanuel amusingly remarked that he comes from ‘an ethnic group that love to win!’.  

We, alongside the entire postgraduate department, are backing Emmanuel and Glanis who’ll continue to shine and make both themselves and UoB proud. Join us as we bid them ‘good luck’ although it’s clear they don’t need it. Well done to both for getting this far!


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