UoB Xtra: Four top tips for CV success

Are you thinking about writing a CV sometime soon? Or perhaps updating an existing one? Is there a role you’re going to apply for that requires you to submit one as part of your application? Whatever stage you might be at, below are four top tips to help you to craft a successful CV. 

  1. Tailor it: This is the best tip we could possibly give you. Don’t send the same CV to lots of different employers. Instead, take your time. Ask yourself, what has the employer stated they’re looking for on the job description/person specification? Place your focus on highlighting specific, role relevant experiences, skills and achievements that reflect the needs of each role you apply for. 
  2. Language: Try to limit the amount of personal pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘my’ on your CV, as they can make your content start to feel repetitive and removing them can make your language more focused. 
  3. Structure: For each CV you submit, structure your content in order of importance for that specific role. Start with a section that focuses on your most role relevant experience(s), followed by a section which contains the second most relevant experience(s), and then followed by the third most relevant etc. This will help you to get and keep the reader’s attention. 
  4. Skills: Try not to just list skills. Instead, for any skills that are relevant to a role you are applying for, include further details as to how you have best utilised them, either in a skills section or by incorporating them into experience examples elsewhere in your CV. 

For further CV guidance and tips take a look at our online resources or book an Application Appointment with a member of the team.

During UoB Xtra, Careers Network are hosting a number of free events for all current students. From the Be-Ready Garden Party, Job Search Live to our Application and Advice Drop-ins, come along and can get further information and support on fine-tuning your CV.  


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