Your Semester Two timetable is now live on your MyUoB app

From today, you will be able to view your personalised teaching timetable for semester two in the calendar on the MyUoB app, which is also accessible using a web browser.

Download MyUoB - Apple

Download MyUoB - Android

MyUoB Desktop App

Watch the guidance on using the app and new features

Issues with your timetable

Technical Issues

If you experience any technical issues with Web Timetables or the UoB app please contact the IT Service Desk via phone (0121 414 7171) or the web

Examples of this could be,

  • You are unable to log into web timetables or the UoB app
  • You are receiving an error message
  • The app or web page is not loading.

Timetable issues

If you experience any non-technical issues with your personal timetables, please contact your School Office

Examples of this could be,

  • You are not seeing all of your lessons in your timetable for a module.
  • You believe you should be on different lessons to ones shown on your timetable.
  • You would like to request a change to your timetable.


Professional Services