Your timetable is now live on your MyUoB app
For all students, your personalised teaching timetable for semester one is now available to view. You will be able to access your timetable in the calendar tile on the MyUoB app.
Download MyUoB - Apple
Download MyUoB - Android
You can also view MyUoB and your timetable on your desktop or tablet using the web app version
MyUoB Desktop App
Watch the guidance on using the app and new features
Timetable information
Your timetable view within the calendar provides details of the teaching and learning sessions related to the modules you are studying, including location information.
Canvas, our virtual learning environment, is used to provide additional information about those sessions, such as Zoom links for hybrid/online sessions and details of any pre-reading required. Canvas is also used to provide information about additional sessions that will be helpful to your studies, such as subject-specific events and guest speakers. Your School and course team will provide further information about what you will need to use Canvas for.
As always please continue to check your timetable throughout the semester in case of any further changes.
Students should expect to engage with their learning in-person and on campus. We expect regular attendance to be a factor and feature in both successful progression and our assessment of students reasonable engagement with their studies. While there are some exceptions for our international students who cannot travel to Birmingham, we are expecting all UK-domiciled students to attend and engage with their studies in person, on-campus, as they would in any other normal year.
My attendance
The MyUoB app is also the way that you will be able to register your attendance at selected teaching events on campus. We will be introducing this new functionality throughout September and October and your lecturer will let you know what you need to do in the room to record your attendance.
More information
• For queries about the content of your timetable please contact your School.
• Canvas (login using your usual UoB username and password)
• MyUoB Timetable FAQs
If you can’t login to MyUoB please review the MyUoB knowledge article on the IT Service Desk and if you are still having issues you can contact the IT Service Desk.