Winter energy planning

As the weather gets chillier, you may have seen recent media coverage about some of the planning the UK Government and energy suppliers are doing to manage energy supplies this winter, for example offering people incentives for off-peak energy use.

Whilst any significant restriction in energy supply is unlikely, we think it’s still worth having plans in place to make sure we at the University are well prepared if there was an interruption or short-term reduction of power on campus in the New Year, or at any of our UK sites.

The University already produces a significant amount of electricity on Campus from our own power plant, this is supplemented by a number of standby generators. Several additional generators have been hired for the next three months to ensure that we have back-up power for the important buildings such as student accommodation, NHS-linked and other critical research facilities, and student welfare spaces.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll keep you in the loop about our plans along with guidance to support you. In the meantime, why not have a browse of some simple tips we’ve put together to reduce your energy use at home and potentially save you money.

Finally, if you are thinking about Christmas presents, have you considered a wind-up torch, or a wind-up mobile phone charger? Both are handy items to have at home in the event of any power-cuts – just in case!


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