Help us shape our sustainable community at UoB

Are you passionate about the environment and want to support how UoB is becoming more sustainable? We want to hear from you. 

This is your chance to vote for the favourite project you would like to see the University’s Sustainability team explore and potentially develop over the next 12 months. From trialling reusable cups to donating old, unused tech devices your vote can count. 

Choose from one of the four project ideas: 

  1. Returnable Cup Scheme 

    Introduce a returnable cup scheme for hot drinks on campus where cups can be used and then dropped off at collection sites, to be washed and re-used again. In the UK less than 1 in 400 disposable coffee cups are recycled. Eliminating single-use cups reduces plastic waste, lowers carbon emissions, and conserves water.

  2. Living Pillars

    Introduce Living Pillars on campus and link up some of the existing green spaces. An innovative way to introduce green planting to street lighting pillar columns and support biodiversity, human wellbeing and trapping air pollution. 

  3. Sustainable Travel Schemes

    Provide a free trial of Transport for West Midlands all day public transport tickets and encourage more staff and students to use public transport for their commute to university. Replacing car journeys with the bus reduces carbon emissions by 42% and train by 73%.  

  4. Tech Swap Scheme

    Donate old, unused tech devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets to the Tech Swap Scheme for redistribution to students and staff in need of devices. Tackling both the issue of tech waste and digital poverty. In 2021 only 17.4% of device waste was properly disposed of. 

Find out more about the sustainable projects and cast your vote! Voting closes on Wednesday 31 January. 

You can also watch the UoB Sustainability Open Forum if you missed it and discover more about the University's progress on sustainability and learn how you can get involved. 


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