Blog: How joining a sports team has changed my university experience
Hello, I’m Caitlin one of your Student Content Shapers and I wanted to share how joining a sports team at UoB has changed my university experience for the better.
I had never been keen on sports but as I approached my second year, I wanted to meet new people and exercise more. UoB’s Aussie Rules was just the club for me.
Luckily, one of my best friends was already on the team and assured me I’d love it... and she was right. There are so many different sports teams to join so it can be overwhelming finding the right one. My advice would be to get stuck in and give them all a go. During Welcome Week, the Sports Fair is a good opportunity to learn more about each club, and there are sometimes taster sessions throughout the year. Eventually, you’ll find the one that’s right for you like I did.

Staying active
Every sports team offers something different so there is something for everyone. For me, Aussie Rules is a place where I can get some exercise and learn some new skills all while having a great time with my friends. What more could you want? It really has been the social aspect that has changed my university experience, Aussie Rules is now the highlight of my week.
But it isn’t always easy to join a new sport. I felt out of my depth and even after playing for a few weeks, I still have to push myself out of my comfort zone. If I can do it, so can you!
Playing a sport or even just exercising regularly is so beneficial and makes pushing yourself out of your comfort zone worth it. First of all, exercising is obviously a great way to get endorphins which may be harder to come by during exam season. Exercising with friends makes this even more fun as you can have a laugh while you do it. Being active also helps your health and fitness and I’ve seen positive changes in my appetite, strength, and stamina.

Making friendships
There are other benefits to joining a sports team. I have made some amazing friendships with people I wouldn’t have met without the sport, including some great Aussies! The social side combined with the sports will make training outside in the winter much easier…hopefully!
The friendships off the pitch are just as important and I’ve found them to be helped by socials like sports night, pub trips, library sessions, and any other social activity you can think of! Some of my best memories from being a part of the club is the evenings we’ve spent in the pub talking about whatever comes to mind. While sometimes the conversations are silly, they help strengthen the relationships on the pitch. Plus, dressing up as a Minion character for sports night is always fun. One of my teammates summed it up nicely: “I think there’s something really special about the way our team bonds on and off the pitch.”
The Aussie Rules team is just one of the many sports teams here at the University and just one example of the endless ways you can stay active, de-stress and get some happy hormones!