Have your say and help shape Welcome 2021

There's still time to sign up to get involved and have your say!

We are busy making plans for September and we need your input to help shape Welcome this year, we're looking for first year students to give their views on what they expect when returning to campus. 

You are invited to attend one of our online focus groups over the next few weeks. All participants will be entered into a prize draw with two chances to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

If you are interested in taking part, please click on the button below to choose a session to suit you and confirm your attendance. These online focus groups will last up to 45 minutes. We'll be using Zoom and you can choose whether you have your camera on. The sessions are designed to be friendly group conversation about your return to campus.

If you have any issues or concerns, please contact Dr Kate Whiston at k.e.whiston@bham.ac.uk.

We are busy making plans for September and we need your input to help shape Welcome this year, we're looking for first year students to give their views on what they expect when returning to campus.  All participants will be entered into a prize draw with two chances to win a £50 Amazon voucher.           

Register to attend a session.


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