Guild and University joint statement on Parents & Carers Fortnight, 6 to 17 June

June this year sees the University mark both the UN Global Day of Parents (June 1st) and Carers Week (6th – 12th June) with its second Parents and Carers Fortnight, held from the 6 to 17 June.

The last two years has seen staff and students respond to the enormous challenges presented by the pandemic with resilience and professionalism. We know that those in our community who are parents or carers have had to work hard to balance work and home responsibilities throughout, including at times home schooling and providing care for those vulnerable to Covid. Our experience during the pandemic has demonstrated how important it is that we recognise and proactively support parents and carers amongst our staff and students, as well express our special thanks.

Following the success of last year’s Parents and Carers Fortnight, the event has been established as an annual fixture in the University calendar and provides staff and students the opportunity to join a diverse range of events, including a HR led webinar on leave and working arrangements as well as opportunities to network with other parents and carers.

We know that around one in four postgraduate students have caring or parental responsibilities and would encourage any students who are interested, to join in this year’s events.

As well as a fantastic programme, your Guild of Students and the University want to take this moment to reassert our joint commitment to the right to access work-life balance opportunities for all staff and students. We are united in our desire that the University should be a place of work and study that actively encourages staff and students of all genders to access opportunities to work flexibly and play an active role in looking after their families.

Best wishes


Mikey Brown                                              Adam Tickell

President, Guild of Students                   Vice-Chancellor, University of Birmingham


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