Recruiting a new Vice-Chancellor
Following the announcement that Professor Sir David Eastwood will be retiring as our Vice-Chancellor at the end of the year, we are beginning an international search for a new Vice-Chancellor and are keen to engage students and staff.
The process to appoint a new Vice-Chancellor is set out in the University statutes, which state that the Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Council, the University’s governing body. Council makes the appointment on the recommendation of a selection committee, which comprises seven people: the Chair of Council, three lay members of Council, and three academics who are also members of Senate. Whilst the statutes prescribe the process, we recognise the importance of this appointment to the University community, and are keen for students and staff to have the opportunity to be involved.
We would like to hear from our students and staff about the qualities, experience and skills that we should be looking for in a new Vice-Chancellor in order to help shape the person specification. Students are encouraged to contribute by completing the short form (link below), which will be available for two weeks from 10am on Wednesday 3 February to 6pm on Wednesday 17 February 2021.
Complete this form with the experience, qualities and skills you think we should we be looking for in a new Vice-Chancellor.