Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month with us

Celebrating the lives and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community in Birmingham and beyond.

In the UK, February marks LGBTQ+ History Month; an annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people (LGBTQ) in history. The awareness month was first initiated by Schools OUT UK, the LGBTQ+ education charity, in 2005. 

LGBTQ History Month

This is an important opportunity to celebrate and increase visibility of LGBTQ+ people, their histories and their lived experiences and raise awareness amongst the University community. 

At UoB, this month-long celebration is a chance for us all to come together to increase our understanding of LGBTQ+ issues and to reaffirm or commitment to LGBTQ+ equality. Our amazing students and staff have put together a varied and exciting programme of events running throughout February. There really is something for everyone – do check them out! What event are you most looking forward to? Let us know by using the hashtag #UoBLBGTHM on your socials.

Upcoming Events

Politics in Art - 'The Arc is Long'

This year’s LGBTQ+ History Month theme is ‘The Arc is Long’ which is inspired by the Martin Luther King Jnr's quote: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” 

According to the LGBT+ History Month website, the quote reflects the ‘continuing and often winding journey towards full equality, which has suffered many setbacks while still moving forwards.’ 

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UK’s first LGBTQ+ museum to open 

After four years of planning, the UK’s first LGBTQ+ museum - founded by the charity Queer Britain - is due to open this spring in London.

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2021: A Landmark year LGBT+ TV

From ‘It’s a Sin’ to ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, queer representation on mainstream TV last year had never been better. 

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LGBTQ+ Networks and Societies

At UoB, we have several networks and societies to support and represent our LGBTQ+ students. Find a safe, accessible, and inclusive space.

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Your Voice

Whether you’re an ally or member of the LGBTQ+ community, connect with the Student Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) team on our socials and celebrate together.

Student EDI


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