Discover Islam Week 2023
UoB's Islamic Society are delighted to announce that they are back with the annual 'Discover Islam Week' campaign, open and welcoming every single one of you, regardless of faith or background, on and off campus!
Check out the marquee next to Old Joe at any time between 9.00 and 5.00pm from the 6 to the 10 of February to find a beautiful array of stalls, discussion circles, free food (freshly made waffles and tea!) and Muslim students on hand to answer all your questions. This week is a space for open discussion, to ask the niggling questions you’ve always had at the back of your mind and discover more about Islam.
There will be daily talks at 12.15pm, each addressing a range of themes from a Convert’s Story to Islam, the rise of Feminism, Justice with Faith and discussing the miraculous nature of the Qu’ran.