Guild Officer Elections: Vote Now!

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Who do you want to become your Officer team for 2022/23? Voting closes at 3pm on Friday 4 March so make your voice heard.

What are the Elections?

Each year the Guild of Students (your Students’ Union at Birmingham), host an Election giving students the chance to apply for Officer positions, to represent you and make sure your views are heard at ALL levels.

The Officers have so much responsibility so make sure you cast your vote and decide who you would like to see representing YOU over the next year.

To vote all you have to do is:

  • Head to the Guild website
  • Explore each candidate’s manifesto and elections promises
  • Vote for the students who hope to work on the issues you care about

Vote to WIN!

By voting you can even enter a prize draw for the chance to win:

  • A trip up Old Joe
  • One of 1000 GradBall Priority Passes, which means you’ll have priority access to getting Graduation Ball tickets.

T&Cs apply.

With so much at stake, you’ll want to have your say – vote now!


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