Some exciting changes happening on campus…

Siemens smart campus

From working on our Smart Campus to looking after our trees, see what’s planned on campus over the next few weeks.

Over the next few weeks, you may notice a few changes happening on campus…

First up, in partnership with Siemens, we are transforming our Edgbaston and Dubai campuses into the world’s smartest University campuses.

From March 2022, Siemens, Estates, and IT Services will be working with colleagues across the University to upgrade 25 buildings to improve energy efficiency, reduce CO2 and enhance the general working environment for users.

The first phase of Siemens work is expected to end by December 2022. As part of this major energy efficiency upgrade, Siemens will install a range of building technologies, which collectively will deliver a 5% reduction in carbon emissions, equivalent to approximately 2,856 tCO2.

The University has ambitious targets of achieving net zero carbon for scope one and two by 2035, and overall by 2045. The University’s Smart Campus ambitions will help many of the University's strategic objectives, including a pathway to Net Zero Carbon and development of a Living Lab for research, industry collaboration, teaching, learning and experimentation.

To find out more about our Smart Campus plans visit the website The Smart Campus - A platform for innovation.

Supporting information on the 25 buildings and the associated building technologies can be found here

Also, over the next few weeks, ahead of nesting season, the Estates Grounds & Gardens team will be pruning a number of trees on campus, with a particular focus on areas that will be used for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Elsewhere on campus, large trees next to Bristol Road pavilion will be removed for the safety of our community. This Autumn, our Estates Grounds and Garden team will replace the trees in alternative locations on campus.


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