Vaccination Status Survey 2022

The University is continuing to support the national vaccination campaign to protect our communities, family and friends from the virus.  We are encouraging all staff and students to get fully vaccinated – including the booster jab!

To help us plan for future vaccination services on campus we are asking all students to let us know their current vaccination status through this short survey.

Please complete the survey, responses will only be used to generate anonymous summary reporting and no personal information will be shared outside the University.

You should only complete this survey if you are currently in the UK, or are planning to travel to the UK before the end of January 2022.

You do not need to complete this survey if you have already completed a similar survey of students with CQC regulated placements as part of their programmes.

Thank you!

It is quick and easy to get a vaccination dose or booster via a local walk-in site, wherever you are in the UK.  Find a walk-in site near you. 

Vaccinations are FREE and everyone living in the UK is eligible for a vaccination whether it is your first dose or time for your booster.  

Please complete our survey here.

Don’t Forget:

If you are returning to Birmingham, then please take a lateral flow test before you travel (either the evening before or the morning of travel) and please do not travel if you test positive or are self-isolating.

Once back on campus please continue to test at least twice weekly. You can find out where test kits are available from the University here: Asymptomatic home test collection.

And if you do test positive please let us know via our reporting tool here:  Test & Trace (

Read the latest update regarding teaching in Semester Two. 

Thank you!


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