Canvas Caravan Event 2021

October 2021 - Matt Edwards

Educational Enterprise have been invited to present at the first ever 'Canvas Caravan' virtual event in October 2021.

Canvas Caravan is a virtual roadshow connecting educators with their communities. Attendees can follow the Canvas bus on a digital platform as it “stops” in the different pods across EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa).

The first Caravan ‘stop’ in the UK will be a segway from InstructureCon (taking place on 7th October 2021) to give those who may have missed out from this event, an opportunity to hear from educators and administrators in a more engaging session; where they’ll be able to ask questions and interact with them at the UK/I Canvas Caravan.

laptops with canavas event

Discussion will look at how education technology has played an invaluable role in protecting learning throughout the pandemic. As we gradually return to a more 'normal' learning process, its importance will not wane, but its presence will become less noticeable. This events title is "Why edtech needs to return from the foreground to the background".

As Educational Enterprises, Matt Edwards will be presenting at this years InstrctureCon on the 7th October, Matt was asked to also present at the Canvas Caravan on the 20th, presenting and showcasing the new UX (user experience) approach that Educational Enterprise are pioneering for online distance learning. With our philosophy that the learning experience should feel natural and free-flowing, edtech returning to the background, hopefully sits well with this years event title.

You can find out more and register at:

Find out more about our UX first approach to online distance learning


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