InstructureCon Online 2021

September 2021 - Matt Edwards

Educational Enterprise will be presenting "A UX (user experience) Approach to Online Distance Learning" at this years global Canvas event, InstructureCon Online 2021.

Educational Enterprises, Matt Edwards and Dr Adam Matthews will present at the InstructureCon virtual event on the 7th October 2021. The event brings together all edtech users from around the globe from America, the Asian Pacific region, through to Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

As well as presenting to a global audience, Matt will be sharing the stage with other industry leading experts and also keynote speaker, Grammy-Award-Winning musician and tech entrepreneur


A UX (user experience) First Approach

Educational Enterprise were invited to present at this years event and talk about our unique UX approach to online distance learning. The 30 minute presentation is broken down into 6 areas:

  • Introdutions
  • What is UX design?
  • Identifying your users
  • The UX first approach
  • Live examples
  • Measuring our success

You can register now. Registration is free for InstructureCon 2021.
Find out more about Educational Enterprises UX first approach to online distance learning.


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