Partnership Contracts Announced

November 2020 - Kabir Ganguly

We are pleased to announce the extension of our partnerships with both FutureLearn and Wiley Education Services.

In addition to hosting the already hugely successful non-credit bearing short course portfolio (e.g. MOOCs), the FutureLearn partnership now offers the opportunity to develop a range of credit-bearing short courses, including microcredential courses. The new agreement facilitates our ambition to expand our CPD, short course, and microcredential offer to meet an evolving demand for flexible, personalised and online delivery.

Courses will be approved, designed, and delivered aligned to the Short Course and Microcredential Framework and course proposers will be guided through the proposal and approval processes.

Similarly, our partnership with Wiley has strengthened and we are now progressing with the development of 3 additional online programmes. June will see the launch of a new PGCert Design for Learning Environments, MBA Clinical Leadership and MSc Bioinformatics programme.

The new developments will build on the great success already seen within the current programmes delivered in collaboration with Wiley. The Online MBA, Master of Public Administration and MSc International Business along with LLM Energy and Environmental Law recruited 114 students for their October start. The group of programmes have continued to grow in popularity but this is the first occasion that over 100 enrolments have been achieved. This success reflects on the strength of our partnership and dedication of all those involved with the programmes.

If you would like to discuss how working with our partners can enhance or diversify your educational portfolio, please get in touch with us at Educational Enterprise where we will be happy to discuss the details of the partnerships as required.


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