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Taught Programme and Module Assessment

The University Code of Practice on Taught Programme and Module Assessment can be found online


Dial 9 for an outside line. 
Dial 0 to contact switchboard.

Further details on how to use your phone's various features.

Manuals for the use of specific handsets are available via the Telecoms intranet site.

Trust Telephone Systems

To call University (number will end 4 or 5 ****) – dial 9 7600 4 or 5 ****

To call Trust: key in extension number only – usually 1****

To Bleep someone in Trust only-

  • Dial 88
  • Enter the bleep number, followed by the extension you want the bleep holder to reply to, then #
  • Wait for the announcements: "Your call is being processed, please wait", followed by: "Paging request accepted, replace your handset"
  • Replace the handset

Telephones Messages

  • To check if there are messages, dial 7500
  • Picking up other phone:
  • To pick up each other’s extension:  **3
  • International calls - Dial 0 for Trust switchboard, ask them to dial for you

Term dates

Please go to the term dates page to see a list of dates.


The following courses are mandatory and you need to ensure you complete them within the required timeframe of starting employment. Please diarise when you completed the training and please diarise when you need to retake each course.

For staff working in the laboratories, please see below two additional courses for completion:

Transporting Hazardous Materials

University Policy, National and International Regulations require appropriate safety measures are taken to ensure
containment during the transportation of biological and chemical substances and that current packaging and
labelling requirements are met.

To ensure compliance with Legislation and University Policy there are four stages involved in the transport of
infectious substances, biological specimens, hazardous chemicals and related materials:

  • Classification
  • Packaging
  • Labelling
  • Associated paperwork (waybills, airway bills)

All packages containing anything other than documents has to be signed off by a shipping adviser otherwise the courier company will not take it.

Correct packaging is now available in both MDS stores and has no additional surcharge added. A contact name and account code for recharging purposes will be required. The packaging isn’t intended to replace any packaging for clinical trial samples which is already supplied as part of the trial.

The full Policy and Guidance on the Safe Transport of Infectious Substances, Biological Specimens and Related Materials outside the College can be found here, along with Proforma Invoice and Sign Off Sheet.

If further advice is required, contact Carol Benham (c.a.benham@bham.ac.uk; x46917), Technical Manager MDS, or your Local Geographical Lab Manager.


Travel Risk Assessments:
If you are planning on travelling overseas you must first complete an International Travel Risk Assessment form and submit it for approval. This is a requirement of the University and must be completed by all travellers for each period of travel.  Once complete, please pass this to your Institute or Team Manager who will arrange for it to be reviewed and authorised by an appropriate person.  

Trains, Flights and Accommodation:
All travel and hotel bookings must be made through the University’s approved supplier, Clarity Travel.   If you need to book a train, a flight or a hotel, Clarity's Go2Book platform is the best way to do it and can be accessed at www.go2book.travel.  Further details on logging on can be found on the intranet.  Where relevant, please also ensure you have line manager approval before making and travel or hotel bookings and that budget is available. Please note you will also need to book University Travel Insurance.

Travel Insurance

It is essential to book UoB travel insurance once you have completed your travel booking, University Travel Insurance.  Do not assume your personal travel policy also includes business cover.  If you or the member of staff(s) that you are supporting travels abroad on University business or takes a business flight within the UK, it is ESSENTIAL that you complete the online travel insurance application form on their behalf.

There is a Travel Cover Summary provided by the policy, which can be downloaded. This should be taken by each traveller on the trip abroad and contains important information of who to contact in a medical emergency and the policy certificate reference number. This is compulsory, not optional. 

It is important that the University know when staff and students are travelling abroad and so registration is required even if funding is coming from an external source or an external insurance policy is being used.  See the Health and Safety Guidance Travel and Work Abroad information.

Actions required when travelling abroad
Key things to know when booking international travel on University business can be found in our Travel Guidance document.

Specifically, this includes:  

  1. How to book travel
  2. The documentation you need to travel
  3. The completion of an appropriate risk assessment before travel. See MDS outline travel risk assessment - Sample and MDS outline travel risk assessment - Blank template
  4. Obtaining the necessary University travel insurance cover. 
  5. An awareness of Global Response Emergency Advice and Assistance
  6. Other considerations such as internet access and mobile phone charges



Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection system, which can be used to scan thesis submissions within WebCT.

PGR students will need to submit an electronic version of their thesis via WebCT to Turnitin.

Click here to access Instruction for electronic thesis submission and how to view originality reports (PGR supervisors).

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