Internal Research and Impact Funding

The University of Birmingham offers a number of internally-managed funds to support research, impact, and knowledge-exchange activities.

Internally-managed funding is often allocated through internal competitive processes and various funding streams. Funding may be either institutional external awards that are then internally distributed through competitive processes, or funding directly from the University itself. 

Impact Acceleration Accounts 

Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs) support impact, knowledge-exchange, and translational activity within each respective funder's remit. Funding is awarded to the University as an institution by each research council and then distributed via internal competition through various funding streams.

BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account

BBSRC has awarded the Universities of Warwick and Birmingham a joint Flexible Talent Mobility Account (FTMA) that will provide up to £412,500 to support researchers at both institutions between April 2024 and March 2027. The core aim of the FTMA is to support mobility of bioscience research staff between academia and external organisations which can include businesses, government agencies, and the third sector. Activities that can be supported include inward and outward secondments and placements, ECR and technical fellowships, international exchanges, and events and training aimed at enhancing sector porosity.

Learn more about the BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account

Birmingham Institutional Impact Fund

The Birmingham Institutional Impact Fund is an internal fund designed to support high qualtiy, academic-led, research impact projects. Research Impact is a crucial part of the University’s Birmingham Strategic Framework 2030, reflecting the University’s commitment to creating meaningful change in the world beyond academia by demonstrably improving the economy, society, the environment, and contributing to human health and wellbeing.

Learn more about the Birmingham Institutional Impact Fund

Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Accelerator

The IDR Accelerator is an agile internal fund that is available to researchers across all Colleges to allow them to prepare and submit major and sizeable external research grant applications with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research.

Learn more about the Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Accelerator

2024-25 QR Research and Knowledge Exchange Funding

The University of Birmingham’s QR Research and Knowledge Exchange funding programmes support ambitious projects that deliver exciting research and knowledge exchange activities with policymakers, communities and users of research, as well as activities that seek to improve the underlying research culture environment at the University. 

Applications are invited across the following three funding streams:

  • Enhancing Research Culture Fund
  • Participatory Research Fund
  • Policy Support Fund

Learn more about QR Research and Knowledge Exchange Funding

Other internally-managed funds

Gender Equality Research Funding


The IGI's Gender Equality research theme has launched an open call for seedcorn funds of up to £10,000. Projects must be interdisciplinary, align with or be complementary to existing Gender Equality theme research and take place by June 2024.  The deadline for applications is 6 October 2023.


This scheme can support pilot projects, research activities, research bid development, or engagement and impact in areas of strategic interest to the Gender theme (see application form for list of areas of strategic interest). ​Respectful maternity care, from patient and health workers’ perspectives

  • Respectful maternity care, including knowledge and experiences of Gender-Based Violence in reproductive and maternal health
  • Understanding gendered experiences throughout the life course, especially in relation to education, work, and equality of opportunity
  • Understanding contexts of miscarriage and changing attitudes
  • Interdisciplinary explorations of issues related to postpartum haemorrhage
  • Addressing challenges to fertility care and reproductive rights
  • Traditional knowledge in maternal care and histories of women’s care


If unsure, please get in touch, we’d love to work with you on your ideas. Questions regarding the fund can be directed to Leah Fitzsimmons.

How to apply:

A maximum of £10,000 per project is available. Further details are available in the scheme application form, linked below. Completed application forms should be sent to Leah Fitzsimmons or complete the online application form.

The deadline for applications is 6 October 2023.

Full details and application form

IAS Workshops and Fellowships

IAS Workshops

The Institute of Advanced Studies and Institute for Global Innovation are pleased to make support available to University of Birmingham researchers to bring together expertise from across the breadth of our university. Workshop topics should be interdisciplinary and include substantial input from at least two Colleges. Consideration should be given to what might eventually be the benefits to UoB in terms of engagement, impact, high quality publications and grant income generation.

How to apply
To apply for a Workshop, please complete the IAS Workshop Proposal Form

8 January; 12 February; 11 March; 13 May; 10 June; 2 September; 14 October; 11 November 2024

IAS Distinguished Visiting Fellows

This programme aims to attract outstanding researchers, operating at the cutting edge of their disciplines, to work collaboratively with colleagues at the University of Birmingham. We hope to support new collaborations on topics that are timely, relevant, address national and international priorities, and cross disciplinary boundaries. Fellows are normally expected to spend a period of between 4 and 8 weeks on campus, depending on the panel’s assessment of the proposed activity. We particularly welcome visits that enable new, rather than already established collaborations. Consideration should be given to what might eventually be the benefits to UoB in terms of engagement, impact, high quality publications and grant income generation.

Proposing an IAS Distinguished Visiting Fellow
Please complete the IAS Distinguished Visiting Fellow Proposal Form.

8 January; 12 February; 11 March; 13 May; 10 June; 2 September; 14 October; 11 November 2024

IAS Vanguard Visiting Fellows

This programme aims to attract outstanding early and mid-career researchers, operating at the cutting edge of their disciplines, to work collaboratively with colleagues at the University of Birmingham. We hope to support new collaborations on topics that are timely, relevant, address national and international priorities, and cross disciplinary boundaries. Fellows are normally expected to spend a period of between 4 and 8 weeks on campus, depending on the panel’s assessment of the proposed activity. We particularly welcome visits that enable new, rather than already established collaborations. Consideration should be given to what might eventually be the benefits to UoB in terms of engagement, impact, high quality publications and grant income generation.

Proposing an IAS Vanguard Visiting Fellow:
Please complete the IAS Vanguard Visiting Fellow Proposal Form.

8 January; 12 February; 11 March; 13 May; 10 June; 2 September; 14 October; 11 November 2024

More information

Please contact Sue Gilligan if you have questions about these programmes.

MRC Proximity to Discovery

The MRC Proximity to Discovery and Impact Fund (P2D) aims to support individual mobility and discovery days to enable early engagement with industry, as well as other non-commercial partners such as charities. In addition, the P2D scheme supports proof of principle projects with collaborators that could accelerate the translational potential of your work. 

In contrast to previous MRC P2D rounds, the scope of the fund has been broadened to include non-commercial partners and projects or activities with a clear translational impact such as patient benefit or knowledge exchange. All work supported by the P2D fund should be aligned to biomedical science areas of interest to the MRC, as stated on the MRC website.

There are several streams within P2D:

Rapid Response Mobility (RRM)

RRM supports flexible funding requests for individual mobility to enable early engagement with industry or non-commercial partners. Researchers may visit partners anywhere in the world for face-to-face meetings to pursue early interactions. 

Up to £2,000 per project. Please contact the Translational Research Team for more information.

Knowledge Exchange & Dissemination (KE&D)

KE&D can support a discovery day seminar programme on discoveries, technologies and methodologies to transfer knowledge between academic institutions and other partners to inspire new collaborations.

Up to £2,000 per activity. K&ED is a competitive funding call with quarterly deadlines.

Exchange & Explore (E&E)

E&E supports flexible interactions with colaborators that could accelerate the translational potential of your work and support longer-term relationships, through delivery of short term, initial proof of principle work around mutual areas of interest.

Up to £6,000 per project. E&E is a competitive funding call with quarterly deadlines.

How to Apply

KE&D and E&E submission deadline: Not yet confirmed

RRM: Contact the Translational Research Team

The P2D institutional fund is managed by the Translational Research Team, part of the MDS Research Office. General enquiries should be directed to

Find out more about translational research at Birmingham

Birmingham International Engagement Fund (BIEF)

The Birmingham International Engagement Fund (BIEF) offers travel awards to facilitate collaboration with international partners. Further information about the scheme and details about how to apply can be found on the Birmingham Global intranet pages.



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