Birmingham Business School

Birmingham Business School is a large and diverse School with students and staff from all around the world. There's a place here for everyone to achieve their very best outcomes. The School's ethos is based on the concept of responsible business. This means that we see our teaching and research as being focussed on the wider role that business and organisations play in society.

During you studies you will be introduced to these ideas. So alongside what you may think of as normal business issues, such as how to make an organisation more efficient, you will also look at issues such as equity, environmental impacts and sustainability. In the last 3 years we have been redesigning all of our programmes to include responsible business as a theme that runs alongside their main focus. Our work in this area has been recognised as being outstanding and has been used as a case study of best practice by the Chartered Associatiion of Business Schools

As well as including these ideas in your studies there will also be the opportunity to explore them in the events we hold in the School such as the Responsible Business Challenge we run along with Deloitte.

Introduction to Postgraduate study - Nicki Newman

School Key contacts

Head of Education Nicki Newman

Head of PostGraduate Studies Dan Wheatley 

Senior Tutor Kelly Smith 

Student Experience Officers David Hathaway and Rose Bennett

Spotlight on Research

Birmingham Business School is committed to ensuring that you as as student, whatever your background or wherever you come from, have ever possible opportunity to succeed in your studies and in your life after study. Our researchers in the Work Inclusivity Research Centre (WIRC) are engaged in the study of issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in employment, and are guided by principles of social justice. 

Their work is not just academic. The findings from their research have informed policy decsions on issues such as parental leave and is regularly cited in the national and international media. Their work also informs our teaching and you will meet members of the Centre  who teach on programmes across the School.

You can find more about the WIRC work here.

Spotlight on Careers

The Business School has a dedicated Careers in Business team to support you during your programme and to help you build the skills you need as you move into employment after study. They offer you: 

  • Individual advice and guidance from professionally qualified Careers Consultants including: job search strategies, application reviews and mock interviews
  • Career development workshops and a range of skills sessions
  • Support for international students and alumni who wish to work in the UK after graduation
  • Opportunities to network with employers through activities such as Future Leaders Certificate and Mock Assessment Centre
  • Ongoing careers support after graduation 

Your time in the Business School is not just about study. There are many opportunities for you to build the skills you need in your career as well as to have sime fun. 

You can find out more about Careers in Business and the things they offer.

Any Recommended Reading

You can keep up with what is going on in the School and current research and teaching ideas on our blog.


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