Build Your Student Community

In this section we'll be sharing lots of information about our vibrant student community and suggesting ways that you can get involved. Learn more about our incredibly diverse student community and start to build yours!

Student Groups

You're about to join a multi-disciplinary college with students from diverse backgrounds. You will all bring with you a unique pespective and set of experiences which we value above all else in CoSS. We encourage our students to build networks that support their learning and increase their exposure to different people and experiences. Here are just some of the groups of students we welcome to the College each year.

Black and Ethnic Minority Students

The University of Birmingham is an inclusive environment, and nearly a quarter of our students are from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

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Part Time/Distance Learners

Whilst no two students' experiences will be the same, we have a range of services and support you can access throughout your studies.

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Student Parents and Carers

We are aware now more so than ever that carers and parents need access to specialised support during their studies.

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Useful information


Professional Services