College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

Meet the new Director of Research - Jo Duberley

Thursday 12th December 2013

Drivers wanted to help adults with learning disabilities

Monday Night Club is a Guild Society at the University of Birmingham for adults with learning disabilities. The Club meets every Monday during term time and brings together members and students for evenings of art, games and other fun activities. It has been running for over 25 years with some members coming for all that time but is now in danger of closing because of a lack of drivers.
Wednesday 27th November 2013

Christmas cards and jumpers for charity

Instead of sending Christmas cards to our colleagues, you may wish to donate £5 to our College's three chosen charities (Acorns, Alzheimer's Society and Birmingham Children's Hospital). You can also take part in our Christmas jumper week from Monday 16 December!
Wednesday 27th November 2013

Run David Run

Help David Morris, Birmingham Business School's Web Co-ordinator, raise money for Children with Cancer UK
Wednesday 27th November 2013

Arts & Science Festival 2014 – Call for Events

The University of Birmingham's Arts & Science Festival will return for its second year in 2014. Running Sunday 16 – Sunday 23 March 2014 and themed 'Life & Death', the festival will be a free programme showcasing culture, research and collaboration at the University through talks, exhibitions, performances, workshops and screenings.
Wednesday 27th November 2013

Announcing the formation of a cross-college research group in gender and feminist theory

Hosted by the Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS), the research group encompasses members from across the College of Social Sciences, whose research interests lie in a range of areas which fall under the headings gender studies and/or feminist theoretical analysis/readings of politics/international politics, sociology, education, geography, development studies, economics, management studies, social policy and other areas of applied social science.
Tuesday 26th November 2013

University House gardens in the Autumn

Monday 4th November 2013

Birmingham Business School's Distinguished Leaders Series 2013-14

Becoming a great leader is something many professionals aspire to but few truly achieve. Birmingham Business School Alumni Relations are giving you the chance to learn from five such great leaders as part of this year's inspirational Distinguished Leaders Series. The series involves high profile leaders from a range of industries across the world reflecting on their personal career journey and discussing the qualities of a great leader. You can expect to learn first-hand how to motivate followers, lead across cultures, make the best of your team's abilities and subsequently, become the best in your chosen field from those who have succeeded to make it to the top.
Wednesday 30th October 2013

Scholarship and Disability Blog

From November 22 to December 20 we will be holding a series of events with a Focus on Disability. As part of the focus we would like to run another blog, this time looking specifically at research and teaching on issues around disability. Professor Martin D Stringer (Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor) is therefore looking for volunteers who would like to write a blog (around 500 words) that could be posted during the month.
Wednesday 30th October 2013
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