College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

Training Opportunities Update from POD (People & Organisational Development)

'International Project Management' day is in November, and to celebrate this the Project Office is holding 'lunch & learn' sessions here in POD. The 1st event picks up from where the training has ended, focussing on enhancing soft skills and key areas in the project management process, and is at 12:15 to 13:15 on Tuesday 12th November. Email invitations will be sent to course attendees and more information can be found on the '@UBProjectOffice' twitter account and web page.
Tuesday 29th October 2013

Professional Services Review

Tuesday 29th October 2013

MSc IB reaccreditation by the Assocation of MBAs

Tuesday 29th October 2013

Call for Papers: Superdiversity: theory, method and practice in an era of change

The Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham are organising the first international interdisciplinary conference on superdiversity. The conference will be held at University of Birmingham on the 23rd and 24th June 2014. It will feature invited plenaries, academic panels and a policy roundtable on topics at the forefront of the superdiversity research agenda. The aim of the conference is to map the state of the art in knowledge on superdiversity and to draw an agenda for future research.
Saturday 26th October 2013

COSS International Collaboration: India Outreach

Delhi's leading social science universities have been the focus for recent COSS outreach efforts in India, along with continuing collaboration by Business School staff with Indian Institutes of Management and other institutions around India.The University of Delhi, which is a member with Birmingham in the Universitas 21 consortium of research-intensive universities, has been a hub for several recent collaborations and outreach efforts. Other collaborations are underway at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), in south Delhi, which focuses solely on postgraduate education.
Thursday 24th October 2013

COSS International Collaboration: Chicago Outreach

Over the last year there have been some notable successes in developing research links and collaborations between colleagues in COSS and academics in the greater Chicago region. These broadly adhere around the theme of cities, public engagement, global civics and urban challenges and potential.
Thursday 24th October 2013

Meet Our Staff: Liz Frost

Liz Frost is the Centre Manager for the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME). The Centre, which was founded in 2004, recently moved from De Monfort University to Birmingham Business School, where it is run by the Department of Management's Professor Monder Ram and Professor Kiran Trehan.After attending CREME's recent 17th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference, we met with the published centre manager to learn more about CREME, her interests in wedding planning and her love of cupcakes.
Thursday 24th October 2013

Meet the Team: Public Service Academy

The University of Birmingham's Policy Commission into the future of public services invigorated our thinking about how public services are being reshaped and how the University can work with key partners, in particular Birmingham City Council (BCC), to ensure that research intelligence and expertise from across the University can be made best use of in understanding, envisioning and delivering public services.
Thursday 24th October 2013

Funding available to support research into superdiversity

The Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) is offering seedcorn funding to support researchers from across the University to undertake some research, produce a publication or prepare a research proposal in the field of superdiversity. Up to £1000 is available to support those wanting to apply a superdiversity lens to their research interests.
Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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