Professional Services Review

The outcome of the School’s Professional Services Review (PSR) has now been fully ratified and approved by both the School’s Senior Management Team and College Board. The review was an extensive piece of work which was informed and directly influenced by a very active consultation period and I would like to thank everyone for their views, opinions and ideas on how our Professional Services team should be structured. At the time of writing this update, the vast majority of colleagues will know where they sit within the structure and we are finalising the finer details of deploying colleagues into specific roles mainly within the Programmes Team. Louise Fearn (School Programmes Manager) will provide an update when this exercise has been completed.

The next priority is to start recruiting new staff to new roles that the PSR has created for immediate release and to roles that have been vacated as a result of existing staff gaining promotion within the School. A number of roles have a phased release into 2014/15 meaning the next 12 -18 months will be a busy year for recruiting and inducting new colleagues to the Business School. I’ll make sure in future updates that new colleagues are introduced to our new arrivals.

The PSR was not simply about increasing the volume of staff; it was also concerned with transforming the services that the team provides. We’ll be doing some work over the forthcoming months to get input from across the School as to what these changes and improvements should be.

For those that couldn’t make it to Charlotte’s presentation on the PSR, her slides can be found here: Professional Services Review slides.

- Ian Hamley


Professional Services