College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

Finance's top tips for the beginning of the academic year

As we are entering a new Academic and Financial Year the College Finance Office have compiled a Top 10 list of commonly asked questions or areas of finance that staff aren't familiar with. What we hope this list will highlight the steps to take to avoid delays in processing transactions. The CoSS Finance Team are here to help smooth the processing of financial transactions for the College and are based in Room 236, 2nd Floor, Muirhead Tower.
Wednesday 25th September 2013

Funding overview for Brazil

An overview of the different funding available to support engagement with the Brazil is now available.
Wednesday 25th September 2013

MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism is awarded a Large Grant as part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Translating Cultures theme

A consortium led by MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism (Professors Angela Creese and Adrian Blackledge), University of Birmingham, has been awarded a Large Grant as part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Translating Cultures theme. The 4-year research project, Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating Linguistic and Cultural Transformations in Superdiverse Wards in Four UK Cities, is a collaboration between four UK universities. The interdisciplinary research programme will develop new understandings of multilingual interaction in cities in the UK, and communicate these to policy-makers and communities locally, nationally, and internationally. The award is £1,973,527. The research project will run from 2014 – 2018.
Wednesday 25th September 2013

Meet the Team: Marketing Communications

Thursday 29th August 2013

Meet our Staff: Professor Derek Condon

Thursday 29th August 2013


Car2Go are coming to Campus!The University of Birmingham have recently signed up with Car2Go, an on-demand car rental scheme. From 23rd September there will be car2go vehicles on campus available at a chargeable rate to University staff, students and visitors.
Wednesday 28th August 2013

Have your say 2013 - call for survey champion

Have Your Say is the University's all-staff engagement survey and is conducted every two years to learn what colleagues think and feel about the University as a place to work. We had a participation rate of 66 per cent for Have Your Say 2011 which was well above the benchmark for similar higher educational institutions and 10 per cent above the participation rate in 2009. Survey champions from across the University were vital in ensuring these high responses and in helping to promote the survey and its findings to colleagues.Now we need your help to make sure that Have Your Say 2013 builds on and increases these responses!
Wednesday 28th August 2013

New Additions to Coss

Learn about the latest staff updates within the College
Tuesday 23rd July 2013

Meet Our Staff: Professor Indrajit Ray

When dating someone new, have you ever questioned how truthful your romance is being? Do they really love One Direction as much as you do? Or are they secretly harbouring an obsession for Slipknot, a hard core nu-metal band, but are reluctant to reveal it to better their chances with you? The Department of Economics' Professor Indrajit Ray's research into Game Theory may provide the answer. Indrajit, who joined Birmingham Business School's Economics department in 2002, works on theoretical concepts to question real life scenarios such as whether people are truthful or not, if the sexes really battle and if talk is actually cheap. We met with Indrajit, a cricket enthusiast who supports the charity 'Vidyapith', a trust which helps educational institutions in India (particularly, West Bengal), to find out more about his past, his research and what his interests are outside of work.
Tuesday 23rd July 2013

Meet the team: GDSRC

Governance and Social Development Research Centre (GDSRC) is a partnership of research institutes, think-tanks and consultancy organisations with expertise in governance, social development, humanitarian and conflict issues. The four partner institutions that make up the GSDRC are the College of Social Sciences' own International Development Department (IDD), the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at the University of Manchester, and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. IDD is the lead partner in the consortium, and the largest cluster of GSDRC staff is based in the Muirhead Tower.
Tuesday 23rd July 2013
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