Research outputs

Grant success:

Dr Paul Cox of the Accounting and Finance has been awarded £20,495.00 to undertake research with the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment.

Journal articles:

Ahmad, W., & Jelic, R. (2014). Lockup Agreements and Survival of UK IPOs. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. doi: 10.1111/jbfa.12068

Avis, M., Forbes, S., & Ferguson, S. (forthcoming). The brand personality of rocks: A critical evaluation of a brand personality scale. Marketing Theory, doi: 10.1177/1470593113512323.

Cole, M.A., Elliott, R.J.R. and Strobl, E. (2014). Climate Change, Hydro-dependency and the African Dam Boom. World Development, 60, pp. 84-98. doi:

Cressy, R., & Farag, H. (forthcoming). Stairway to heaven or gateway to hell? A competing risks analysis of delistings from Hong Kong's Growth Enterprise Market. International Review of Financial Analysis. doi:

Kerrigan, F., Larsen, G., Hanratty, S., & Korta, K. (forthcoming). ‘Gimme shelter’: Experiencing pleasurable escape through the musicalisation of running. Marketing Theory. doi: 10.1177/1470593114521451

Parry, G., Vendrell-Herrero, F., Bustinza, O.F. (2014) Using data for decision-making: Analysis from the music industry. Strategic Change, 23(3-4), 265-277.

Land, C., & Taylor, S. (2014). The good old days yet to come: Postalgic times for the new spirit of capitalism. Management & Organizational History, 9(2), 202-219.

Rowbottom, N., & Schroeder, M. A. S. (2014). The rise and fall of the UK Operating & Financial Review. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 27(4), 3-3.

Skinner, D. (2013). Foucault, subjectivity and ethics: towards a self-forming subject. Organization, 20(6), 904-923.

Wright, M., Cressy, R., Wilson, N., & Farag, H. (forthcoming). Financial restructuring and recovery in private equity buyouts: the UK evidence. Venture Capital, 1-21.

Kutsch, E. and Hall, M. (2013) A Culture of resilience: Preparing for the unexpected, Cutter IT Journal, Executive Report, December 4.

Kutsch, E., Hall, M. and Browning, T. (2014) Bridging the risk gap: The failure of risk management in innovative IS projects, Research-Technology Management, 57(2), 26-32.

Zhou, D., Jelic, R., & Wright, M. (2014). SMBOs: buying time or improving performance?. Managerial and Decision Economics. 35, 2014, 88–102. doi: 10.1002/mde.2651

Professor Ranko Jelic – recently published/accepted papers in academic journals; May 2014

  • Jelic, R., European Asset Swap Spreads and the Credit Crisis (with W. Aussenegg and L. Gotz), forthcoming in European Journal of Finance, 2014.
  • Jelic, R., Lockup Agreements and Survival of UK IPOs (with W. Ahmad), forthcoming in Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2014.
  • Jelic, R., Liquidity Augmented Performance Evaluation of Thai’s Mutual Funds (with T. Suppa-Aim and M. Theobald), forthcoming in Journal of Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2014.
  • Jelic, R., SMBO: Buying Time or Improving Performance? (with D. Zhou and M. Wright), Journal of Managerial and Decision Economics, 35, 2014, 88–102.

Call for papers:

Dr Ferran Vendrell-Herrero is a guest editor of a special issue for Competitiveness Review. The special issue welcomes papers that offer novel research contributions in exploring the links between servitization and territorial competitiveness. Papers may make theoretical and/or empirical contributions on the following suggested topic; find out more.

Dr Finola Kerrigan has released a call for papers for the 13th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Non-Profit and Social Marketing; full details available here.

News from Dr Scott Taylor regarding the British Academy of Management Conference:

I’ve recently finished putting together the main programme of the Critical Management Studies division at the Academy of Management in August, co-chairing with Emma Bell (Keele University). It mostly involved organizing blind peer review of 120 submissions in 4 weeks during January and February, which was interesting… More importantly, though, if you’re attending the conference, do come along to the CMS division main programme social event on Monday evening. Division members are a generally friendly bunch of people from around the world with wide-ranging research and education interests, and the drinks/food are being sponsored by BBS.


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