Below are a selection of frequently asked questions about the Grade Point Average system.

If your question is not answered below or you have further queries about GPA, please email us at          

What is my GPA score and how is this calculated?

Grade Point Average or GPA is a score calculated using the same module and stage weightings (select Regulations for the appropriate academic year) used to calculate your degree classification. Your overall weighted mean mark will be assigned a GPA value using the single GPA scale for Higher Education.

Which GPA scale will be used?

Your GPA score will be calculated using the single GPA scale for Higher Education:

 Grade Mark Grade Point
 A+  ≥75  4.25
 A  71-74  4
 A-  67-70  3.75
 B+  64-66  3.5
 B  61-63  3.25
 B-  57-60  3
 C+  54-56  2.75
 C  50-53  2.5
 C-  48-49  2.25
 D+  43-47  2
 D  40-42  1.5
 D-  38-39  1
 F+  35-37  0.75
 F  30-34  0.5
 F-  ≥29  0


What are the benefits of GPA?

The GPA provides more granularity than the current Honours Degree Classification system. The GPA is more easily recognised by international employers and overseas institutions, thus providing you with more mobility and graduate employment opportunities overseas.

Will my GPA score appear on my transcript or degree certificate?

No, your GPA score will not appear on your transcript or degree certificate. Your GPA score will be provided on a separate document, along with your Cum Laude award (if applicable) and your overall weighted mean mark.

Will I still get an Honours Degree Classification?

The introduction of optional GPA Certificates will not mean any change to the classifications, transcript and certificate provision, that University of Birmingham students have received for many years.  All undergraduate students on classified Honours degree programmes will still be awarded a degree classification that will be included on the degree certificate and transcript.

Will all students get a GPA score?

GPA scores will not be calculated for students on unclassified Undergraduate degree programmes, such as the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Dental Surgery programmes. GPA scores are also not available to Postgraduate Taught or Postgraduate Research students.

Will GPA be compulsory?

Receiving a GPA and accompanying certificate will be entirely optional.

Your GPA and Cum Laude award (if applicable) will be automatically calculated, alongside your Honours Degree Classification from summer 2019. However, we will only share this information with third parties with your permission and we will only provide you with the document containing your GPA score, Cum Laude award (if applicable) and overall weighted mean mark on request. Your other documents (transcript and degree certificate) will not include your GPA score.

How do I request my GPA Certificate?

You can order your GPA Certificate using the Secure Documents website (Verify) and this should take 5 – 7 working days to process (please allow extra time for delivery). You will be able to order your GPA Certificate following the official release of your marks and degree classification.

What is a GPA Certificate and what information does it include?

A GPA Certificate is a document that provides additional information about your academic performance and includes your Overall Weighted Mean mark, GPA score and Cum Laude award (if applicable). 

Who is eligible to apply for a GPA Certificate?

If you have graduated from July 2019 onwards with a classified Bachelor’s or Undergraduate Master’s degree, you will be able to order your GPA Certificate using the Secure Documents website (Verify) and this should take 5 – 7 working days to process (please allow extra time for delivery). You will be able to order your GPA Certificate following the official release of your marks and degree classification.

Do I have to pay for my GPA Certificate and how much does it cost?

Your GPA Certificate will be provided free of charge. However, there will be a charge if you ask us to send your GPA Certificate by DHL.

How long will it take for me to get my GPA Certificate?

You can order your GPA Certificate using the Secure Documents website (Verify) and this should take 5 – 7 working days to process (please allow extra time for delivery). You will be able to order your GPA Certificate following the official release of your marks and degree classification.

What can I do on the Secure Document website?

As a student or alumnus, you can manage electronic and printed versions of your degree documents (certificates, transcripts and GPA Certificate (for students on eligible Undergraduate programmes)). You can view and share an electronic copy of your documents with third parties and order hard copies of your documents.

I graduated before July 2019. Can I apply for a GPA Certificate?

The new GPA Certificate is only available for students graduating from July 2019 onwards. We will not be able to calculate a GPA score or Cum Laude awards for alumni who graduated prior to July 2019. 

How do I tell the University that I am happy for you share my GPA information with third parties?

You can update your information sharing preferences in Online Results to confirm that you are happy to share your GPA information with third parties and to have it included in references.

This means that you are giving us permission to share your Overall Weighted Mean mark, your GPA score, your Cum Laude award (if applicable) and your rank in the cohort (*Please note ranking information is not available for those who graduated from July 2020 onwards due to the suspension of 'Cum Laude' awards*).

If you can no longer access Online Results after you have left the University and you want to update your information sharing preferences, you can send an email to and we will do this for you.

We will also provide verification of your GPA information to a third party if you have provided them with a copy of your GPA Certificate and written consent that allows them to contact the University to verify this document.

I have submitted an appeal against my degree classification. If my appeal is successful, will I be eligible for a higher GPA and possibly a Cum Laude award?

If your degree classification is raised due to extenuating circumstances, your marks will not change so your Overall Weighted Mean mark and your GPA score will not change either. So unless you were previously eligible for a Cum Laude award, you will still not be eligible for a Cum Laude award, even if your degree classification has been raised.

If the outcome of your appeal is that you are permitted further sits in some of your modules, your marks will change so your GPA score may change and you may then be eligible for a Cum Laude award.


Can I submit an appeal against my Overall Weighted Mean mark, GPA score or Cum Laude award?

No, the Code of Practice on Academic Appeals states that Registered Students cannot appeal the overall weighted mean mark, Grade Point Average, or award of Cum Laude.






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