Certificate Information


Graduation Degree certificates

A degree certificate is an award gained at the University of Birmingham and conferred upon you at one of the University’s Degree Congregations (or by Special Warrant).

If you attend your Degree Congregation in person, you will be given a certificate and transcript during the ceremony. If you are unable to attend the Congregation in person, or your degree is conferred by Special Warrant, you will be given the opportunity to have your certificate and transcript posted to you after the ceremony. Please note it is not possible to receive your certificate before the ceremony has taken place.

For further information, please see: Graduation documents.


I have not received my degree certificate

If you have provided a delivery address but have not yet received your documents, then we ask that you allow enough time for delivery before you report your documents as lost. July graduates will be able to report their documents as lost from 1 October to 31 October. December graduates will be able to report their documents lost from 1 March to 31 March.

The form that you can use to report your documents as lost will be added to the graduation documents webpage when it next goes live.

Non-Graduatable certificates

A Non-Graduatable award is an award gained at the University of Birmingham on a programme which does not need to be conferred at a graduation ceremony. The award will include both your transcript of marks and degree certificate. These programmes can be at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. 

Non-graduatable award types

  • Certificate of Higher Education
  • Diploma of Higher Education
  • University Certificate
  • University Diploma
  • Advanced Certificate
  • Postgraduate Certificate
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PG Dip Ed)
  • Postgraduate Microcredential
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma

When will I receive my certificate?

Following the Board of Examiners decision that you have successfully completed your programme, your School will update your record. Your award will then appear in Online Results on the Student Gateway.

Taught Student Administration will then arrange for your certificate to be posted out to you. This normally takes 6-8 weeks from when your record has been updated.

If you have not received your certificate by this time, please email securedocuments@contacts.bham.ac.uk.

How will my certificate be posted?

Your certificate will be posted via Royal Mail 2nd class or airmail (if you are based overseas) and will be posted out to your ‘home’ address. It is therefore very important to keep your address details up-to-date, on My Details icon on the MyUoB App, you can also access the web version here: My UoB. Please note, standard airmail can take up to 6 weeks to arrive. 

If you require a trackable delivery service, we also offer delivery by DHL courier for an additional fee. If you would like us to send your documents via DHL, please order the Online Shop: DHL for non graduatable award.

Boot Camp certificates

If you completed a Boot Camp, certificates will be arranged by the College that you studied through. For any enquires, please use the following contacts:

  • If you studied in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (for example, Full Stack Coding, Data Analysis, UXUI, Web Development, Cyber Security, Net Zero Together), please email epsbootcamps@contacts.bham.ac.uk .
  • If you studied in the College of Arts and Law (for example, Data Skills for Creative Industries, Drama and Scripted TV), please email calbootcamps@contacts.bham.ac.uk .

Replacement certificates

If your course commenced in 2002 or later, you can access electronic versions of your degree documents from our Secure Documents website, and order replacement hard copies. For detailed instructions, please see these articles:

For replacement Boot Camp certificates, please see the contact details above - please do not use the Secure Documents website for this.

If your course commenced before 2002, please order replacement certificates from our Online Shop, using this link: Pre-2002 replacement certificates .

If you studied at University College Birmingham (UCB), and received a degree which was accredited by the University of Birmingham, please order replacement certificates from this link: Replacement UCB certificates.



I was awarded a Certificate of Education - do you offer honorary Bachelor of Education qualifications?

We are aware of the decision of some UK-based Higher Education institutes to award honorary Bachelor of Education to students who previously received a ‘Certificate of Education’ based on the teaching qualifications available at the time. Up until the early 1980s, The Certificate of Education qualification was a requirement to teach and was awarded as part of a three year training course.

The University of Birmingham’s position is that we will not be considering the award of a retroactive Bachelor of Education for alumni who were in receipt of a ‘Certificate of Education’.

Any decision to award of a ‘Certificate of Education’ will have been made against the University award regulations as they existed, at the time. Any reassessment of that award would have to be made against those same regulations, as our award frameworks have changed significantly since then and would therefore no longer be applicable. A Certificate of Education will have also been awarded prior to both FHEQ frameworks in 2001 and prior to the introduction of the National Credit Framework, meaning we would not be able to make a direct comparison of its equivalency to a modern Bachelor’s qualification.


New branding (2024 onwards)

The University has introduced new branding in 2023 which has been created in consultation with staff, students, and stakeholders, providing a clear, compelling, and consistent voice and look for the University.  

This new branding will be rolled out on degree certificates, academic transcripts and GPA certificates from July 2024. Certificates on older branding are still valid and if awarded after 2002 can still be verified using our Verify service. 




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