Divergent Diagnostics

Revolutionising the field of EDI consultancy and training. 

Founder(s) name: Lucy Hargrave and Jay Martin

Company Name: Divergent Diagnostics 

Industry Sector: Technology & Software | Social Impact | Consultancy

Our Story: We met during our PhD studies at the University of Birmingham, where we specialised in LGBTQ+ and disabilities studies, respectively. We now want to apply our expertise from these fields and make a significant impact in the commercial world.

Company Mission: At Divergent Diagnostics, we're driven to revolutionise the field of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) consultancy and training. We’ve introduced a unique method of unconscious bias testing and data-driven analytics that will have a great impact on the future of EDI training. Our approach not only quantifies EDI training, enabling companies to track improvements in this critical area, but it also helps identify and address potential pitfalls.

Next Phase: We are in early stages actively validating our concepts and laying the foundation for our vision to transform the EDI consultancy landscape.

Get Involved: We are currently focused on connecting with industry professionals in the banking and technology sectors to better understand the challenges they face in combating workplace discrimination. Simultaneously, we are designing and creating a Minimum Viable Product of our consultancy software.

Reach Out: To explore potential collaborations or to learn more about Divergent Diagnostics, you can connect with Divergent Diagnostics on LinkedIn.

Contact details

Email: LucyHargrave@divergentdiagnostics.co.uk
Email: JayMartin@divergentdiagnostics.co.uk
LinkedIn: Jay Martin's LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn: Lucy Hargrave's LinkedIn profile



Professional Services