Volunteering abroad provides a very different experience, travelling to another country which you may not have visited before. What you decide to do, could be related to education, equality, the environment, conservation and more – aligned to the UN’s sustainable goals. Become more culturally and globally aware, developing competencies in perhaps other languages.
The Go Global team at the University promote overseas opportunities, whether they are study abroad related or volunteering. For information go to the Go Global main webpage. For a list of global opportunities, please visit the new Canvas resource Go Global Summer. Funding may also be available. More details are provided on the Funding Eligibility page of the Canvas resource. For further enquiries, email goglobalsummer@contacts.bham.ac.uk .
Careers Connect also advertises volunteering aboard opportunities. You will need to log in.
The University of Birmingham is also a member of the Universitas21 (U21), which gives all our students access to the U21 Programmes, including the virtual Global Citizens Leadership Development Programme and the Sustainable Micro-Internships.
There are a number of organisations that offer overseas volunteering opportunities. As the quality varies (and the fees) your attention is required to research and delve into the detail. The Government website offers advice on Gap years, volunteering overseas and adventure travelling - GOV.UK. The site recommends you seek foreign travel advice.
For further information such as funding, fee based internship providers and due diligence questions to support your research, go to the International work experience webpage.