I don't know where to start
Take a look at the Finding Work Experience section on this web page, and if you want further guidance, book a careers advice appointment to see your College Internships Officer.
Are there opportunities specifically for postgraduates?
Yes! Take a look at our Exclusive Internship Opportunities in the Finding Work Experience section on this web page, these are all paid opportunities and only open to students at the University of Birmingham. We also advertise postgraduate specific opportunities, the University's careers database, Careers Connect.
How will I fit an opportunity around my studies?
First of all, be realistic! Don't sign up to anything that you aren't going to be able to commit to whilst you're studying. We do advertise part time opportunities, as well as short term full time roles, so keep a look out.
Can I get financial support for my work experience?
The Funding section on this web page lists some useful resources you can access for financial support for your work experience.