Awards for Excellence in Doctoral Research Supervision

About the Awards

These awards recognise and reward outstanding supervision of doctoral researchers.  As a research-intensive university, Birmingham is committed to carrying out research that is world-leading in terms of its originality and distinctiveness, significance and rigour. The awards recognise the significant contribution made by academic supervisors to the successful completion of high-class doctoral research at the University.

The Awards for Excellence in Doctoral Research Supervision are now open. Please nominate using the nomination form. We recommend reading the guidance notes before submitting your nomination. 

Please submit your nomination by 23:59 on the 28 April 2025.

Guidance Notes

Who can make nominations?

Current and previous doctoral researchers (who were registered students at the University no more than two years ago) and academic members of staff. 

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Any current Birmingham academic member of staff who has supervised candidates on doctoral programmes for a minimum of one year. It is not possible to self-nominate for the award. 

How do I make a nomination?

To be considered for the Award, a supervisor must have at a minimum two nominations – of which at least one must be from a current or previous student. Statements from colleagues or co-supervisors can be included as the second nomination.  Further nomination statements are encouraged where available. 

Before submitting a nomination, please ensure that the person you are nominating has given permission for you to do so. Forms where the supervisor has not given permission will not be accepted. 

Nominations must be made on the standard nomination form which can found here. Please fill out all sections of the form and remember to include the supporting statement(s) and a statement of support from the Head of School or School PGR Lead. The statements should demonstrate how the nominated person meets or exceeds the judging criteria below.

 Judging Criteria

The qualities and characteristics of an excellent supervisor may include: 

  • A pioneering approach to supervision: what has the nominee done above and beyond that which is expected of any good supervisor?
  • Demonstrable enthusiasm for the role and going the extra mile to help students navigate through difficulties, academic or otherwise.
  • Challenging students intellectually and helping them to make substantial contributions to their academic field.
  • Evidence of the impact and outcomes of research supervision, such as successful and timely completions and co-publication or production of other research outputs with or by their candidates.
  • Acting as a role model for students and colleagues 

When filling out your nomination, please explain how the nominee demonstrates excellence in supervision, with reference to the judging criteria set out above.

What happens next?

The forms will be judged by College panels before being forwarded to the University Graduate School, where a University level judging panel will approve the winner from each college. 

Congratulations to the 2024 winners

  • College of Social Sciences -  Dr Guiditta Fontana

  • College of Engineering and Physical Sciences - Professor Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer​

  • College of Life and Environmental Sciences - Professor Jessica Pykett 

  • College of Medical and Dental Sciences -  Dr Jose Romero

  • Collage of Arts and Law - Professor Lisa Bortolotti 

If you have any questions about the process, please email


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