What spaces are there in Westmere House that are available to book?
The seminar room, foyer, lounge and garden are all bookable spaces within Westmere House for PGR-focused events. For more information, see Facilities available (birmingham.ac.uk).
How do I check if Westmere House is available?
Please use the Web Timetables page and search for the room in Westmere House that you require under locations: Westmere seminar room, Westmere lounge (social space on Web Timetables), Westmere foyer or Westmere garden.
You can scroll manually down the list of room locations or search ‘Westmere’ in the ‘Location Search String’ search box.
The timetable is not visible during the summer period - if you wish to book Westmere during this period please contact graduateschool@contacts.bham.ac.uk to check availability. There may be a slight delay in updating Web Timetables after a booking is made.
What times are Westmere House open?
Core hours are 09:00-17:00 and the building is open from 06:00-22:00 to Postgraduate Researchers with swipe access. We advise you ask for access for yourself and any other members of university staff by emailing graduateschool@contacts.bham.ac.uk.
Is there parking at Westmere?
Parking is only available to staff with a valid parking permit. For external guests and students, the closest parking is the Northeast car park which is pay and display.
What disabled access is there in Westmere House?
The bookable rooms in Westmere House are all on the ground floor with disabled access to the building via a ramp at the front door. We also have disabled access toilets on the ground floor.
Are there kitchen facilities available in Westmere House?
There is a tap which provides filtered cold water and boiling water in the kitchen. Alternatively, you can order catering from Food Fellows to be delivered to Westmere House.
What furniture is available in the seminar room and lounge, and can I move the furniture?
There are approx. 30 stackable chairs in the seminar room and moveable tables. The lounge has moveable chairs and tables. Please do not move the tables outside of the seminar room or lounge. You must ensure fire exits aren’t blocked and furniture should return items to their original positions after their event.
What technology is available in Westmere House?
The seminar room has a PC and lectern with connection to a screen for presentations. There is no in-house IT support available from University Graduate School staff. If you wish to try out the IT beforehand to familiarise yourself, please contact the University Graduate School team who will be able to arrange a time for you.