Cost of Living Support

Cost of living is a phrase that has been used increasingly over recent months, and is something that is impacting people across the country. Dealing with rising costs and undertaking any kind of programme of study can be difficult to navigate. However, there is help and support available. We’ve brought together some information on the resources available across the University, as well as some externally available help and advice, and how to access support for your wellbeing if this is being impacted by the difficulties brought on by rising costs.

Upcoming Events

Check back here regularly to see what events are going on to support you with the cost of living.

Support Available across the University

The Student Intranet has a range of tips and resources available to help you deal with increased living costs, from tips on saving money both on and off campus, how to manage your money, and financial support available. You can also find information about casual work opportunities available through Worklink and other ways to obtain part time work whilst you are studying.

The Guild of Students can provide access to The Hardship Fund for those students experiencing a short term, unexpected financial difficulty (subject to eligibility). You may also be able to entitled to a one off food parcel through The Guild’s Community Pantry, or find discounted food through the ‘Too Good to Go’ app. More information is available on the Food Fellows webpage, where you can also find out more about Meal Deals and Micro Markets around campus. In addition to this, there are a number of areas on campus where you can access facilities such as water fountains, kitchens and microwaves.

Students can obtain free sanitary products at any time at The Guild of Students (by the Officers office), or you can head over to Westmere House between 10am-4pm weekdays (G15 on the campus map) where you will find sustainable period products in the lobby, including a range of reusable products.Keep an eye out for emails or notices around campus that offer paid involvement in projects, research activities, or anything else that you might be able to spare some time for to earn a quick bit of extra cash too.

Don’t forget about your Wellbeing

There are various ways in which financial difficulties can impact your mental health and wellbeing. If this happens, remember that there is a range of services available to you at UoB, whatever your mode of study. Each School has Wellbeing Officers that can provide in person or remote appointments.

As a UoB student, you also have access to UBHeard, a free, confidential 24/7 service that you can access via phone, live chat or text message. 

More Information and Resources

With cost of living being a point of focus for many people, there is a wealth of information available online around all aspects of the causes and consequences of inflation and rising costs, but we’ve picked out a few helpful starting points to get help and advice:

  • Mind provide information and advice on the link between money and mental health.
  • You may be eligible for a range of student discounts on food, tech, and entertainment, so check the deals available through the UCAS website, or register for a Totum Card (formerly NUS card).
  • Further information on potential support available, including help for those with dependants, is available through the website.
  • Save The Student provide information around a range of financial services and dealing with money issues and worries through their Budgeting and Banking page.


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